The Chorro de Quevedo could be found in the center of Downtown of Bogota, in the oldest town noun as La Candelaria, located at La calle del embudo and according to history this was the place where Bogota was founded and is Named Quevedo because The father Quevedo build a fount to get an easy access to water.
At this sector we could find handcraft, restaurants, caffes, bars and smalls stores; this place is highly frecuented by students of the universities around who are looking for fun, recreation and are waiting to get submerged by stories from the best storytellers in the city.
The Fount was re builded in 1969, year when the south side of El Chorro la capilal de la Ermita de San miguel Del Principe has been builded, and was remember the first catholic ceremony in Bogota.
The Chorro de Quevedo Square is one of the principal historic and cultural attractions in the city, to come here its to be transported to a different age, surounded by colonial buildings, stonemade streets, knowed as The Pueblito Rolo; this sector has the most important universities in the city and the country.