The Rush hour and Car license plate restrictions in Bogota and was implemented as a measure to improve circulation, transit and transportation in the city.
Restrictions during peak hours Sunday 9 February 2025 for car's plates ending in:
There are not car's plate restrictions during rush hours Today!
Rush hour and Car license plate restrictions
: 6:00 A.M. to 8:30 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. to 7:30 P.M
Days that do not apply the Rush hour and Car license plate restrictions: Saturdays, Sundays and holidays
Plates ending in even numbers : 2 - 4 - 6 - 8 -0 NOT senior travelers circulated a week
Plates ending in odd numbers: 1 -3 - 5 - 7 -9 NOT circulate the odd days of the week.
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EXAMPLE: Rush hour and Car license plate restrictions Sunday 9 February 2025 corresponds to the plates: there aren't pico y placa restrictions today!

The Mayor changed the model of Rush hour and Car license plate restrictions was ruling on the Colombian capital until this year. The new standard has a significant reduction in vehicular restricted hours and which will not be 112 hours per month but only 70 and 7 hours per day instead of.
As has been doing in the years before the beginning of the new measure will be imposed and then teaching subpoenas from a date not yet confirmed offenders must pay a $ 283,400 value for that violation.
There is a different measure for this year, as the measure does not apply to the entire city because the area south of the city will not have vehicle restrictions in some sections that are as follows:
1. The cross-3B east, between the eastern hills (travel 12 east) to Avenue
First of May Avenue.
2. May First Avenue, between 3rd race Caracas Avenue east to.
3. Caracas Avenue, from First Avenue May to Villavicencio.
4. Villavicencio Avenue between Caracas to Highway South.
5. The Autosur from Villavicencio Avenue to the southern limits of the city.
Was planned so that drivers can take their cars in those hours that the tributary of trucks is not as high (hours Valle) and thus avoid buying new cars continue to grow. Also 17% improvement in congestion during peak hours and the high demand has on Saturday it was the day he was free to those activities that could not be done during the week.

New Changes in the center and north of the city
To the above modification of the peak and plate will be added at the end of 2013, an adjustment for two areas of the city, to be northern and central Bogota. In the first area, north of the capital, the measure will rise in about two months in the following limits: Cota-Suba Road between 169th Street B and the limit of the municipality of Cota Street from Highway 170 North to route Cota-Suba, the North Freeway between streets 170 and 201 street and 201 street race from Highway 7 to the north.
While in the north may move the cars in those specific areas, in the center opposite happen, as the measure will increase and apply from 6:00 am until 7:30 pm on the following routes: Communards Avenue from the RACE 3 this and race 24, race 24 from 7th Street and Avenue to 13th Street commoners, from 13th Street to 17th Street A race by 24 and 25, Street 17 A between 25 and 27 races, race 27 from 17th Street to 26th Street A, then the cross 28 between Calles 22 and 22 C, Calle 26 between 27 and Garden Ring race, and from this last between 7 and 26 street.
These two modifications are made in the context of the campaign of the Ministry conmuévete mobility which encourages shared car use in the city and public transport use. In northern authorities have argued that citizens can get to the 170 and switch to mass transit system to enter Bogota, while in the center the only exception to the measure will be when a car with pick and transit plate with three occupants including the driver, and so encourage the efficient use and less vehicle fleet in the city.
Pico and Environmental plate:

The peak plate for public service was created to improve mobility in Bogota streets and incidentally reduce noise pollution and environmental. The peak plate for public transport vehicles such as buses, buses, taxis, and other means of mass transit will not flow between 5:30 am and 9:00 pm Monday to Saturday, not applicable holidays. The day rotational restriction is changed weekly with the last digit of the board of public service.
Any concerns contact the district secretary mobility toll 195
Bogota In this map you can see the roads where traffic flows normally in green, the roads where there is some congetion in yellow and red where traffic jams. This map is based on reports made by the authorities in Bogota transit and road system users, use this map as a reference and informative way to supplement the information in Pico y Placa Bogota sumninistrada. Adicionalemnte jams or vias can report fast sending a twiter or facebook status.