La bruja Restaurant:
La bohemia en Bogotà... Live Music Fridays and Saturdays
Location: Calle 12 No. 3-45
Schedule: Lunes a Sabado.
Phone: 336 9261
Payment: Cash only
Al son de los Grillos Restaurant:
Location: Calle 10 No. 3-60 Bogotà- Centro Històrico
Schedule: Sunday to Sunday 12m a 4:30pm / Wednesday to Saturday 6:30pm to 10:30pm
Phone: 284 8662 / 315 227 0715 / 317 266 7828
Paymen: Cash only
Pico e Gallo Restaurant:
Mexican restaurant.
Location: Calle 10 No. 3-16- Fundaciòn Gilberto Alzate Avendaño
Schedule: Monday to Wednesday 4:30pm. Thursday to Saturday 10:30 pm Cuisine. 11:00 bar. Sunday 5:30pm Cuisine. 11:00pm Bar.
Phone: 342 6580
Payment: Cash Only
Rescoldo's Restaurant:
Specialty: Parrilla Argentina
Location: Calle 11 No. 3-83
Schedule: Monday to Friday from 12 m. to 3:30 p.m.
Phone: 560 4647 / Reservations from 15 people or more (Private event)
Payment: All cards
Enchiladas Restaurant:
Mexican Cuisine. Founded in 1981
Location: Calle 10 No. 2-12
Schedule: Monday to Sunday from 12 to 5 pm, No Hollydays
Phone: 286 0312
Andante Ma Non Troppo Restaurant:
Handcraft cuisine.
Location: Torres Del Parque (detras de la Torre A) Cra 5 No. 26-57
Schedule: Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday from 8am to 8pm Thursday from 8am to 9pm Friday from 8am to 10pm
Phone: 284 4387-566 7949
Payment: Cash only
Casa de Citas Restaurant:
Peruvian Cuisine, Events y live music.
Location: Carrera 3 No. 13-35
Phone: 286 69 44 - 282 63 68 - 316 330 32 78 /
Payment: Cash only
Felix Restaurant:
Spanish and International cuisine since 1940
Location: Av. Jimenez No. 4-80
Phone: 341 7211- 284 0995 /
Payment: Cash only
El Gato Gris Restaurant:
Located close to "el Chorro de Quevedo" at the alley of the witches in La Candelaria
Location: Carrera 1 a No. 13-12
Phone: 342 1716 / 320 254 9988
Payment: Cash only
Cafè Bici:
Eat & bike rental
Location: cra 3 No. 13-86
Phone: 341 10 27-3125020554
Payment: Cash only
El Duende Café art:
Latte art , Enjoy with your friends the ambience decored with elfs and Fairies, and feel it like your own home.
Location: Calle 10 No. 2-99 La Candelaria
Phone: 342 0426-310 570 3724 - 315 317 0262 /
Payment: Cash only
La Gata Golosa Restaurant:
Be in touch with Histoy, The taste and tradittion of La Candelaria
Location: Cra 3 No. 12-58
Phone: 300 560 0938-301 235 0253-300 569 6242
Payment: Cash only
Bolòu De Verde Restaurant:
Jazz Restaurant
Location: Cra 1a No. 13-20
Phone: 561 0237-316 876 3771 /
Payment: Cash only