Is for excelence the historic center in Bogota, La Candelaria is formed by ancient neighborhoods and monuments like La Catedral de La Concordia y Egypt. La Candelaria has to much stories to tell to their visitants; starting with her foundation in the XVI century by Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada, what today is known as the Bolivar Square Gonzalo Jimenez de Quesada bulid 12 little huts, wich were extended into the mountain.
In La Candelaria we could find really old buildings with Colonial Design, who still preserve their original structure, and are headquarters of the most prestigious Universities in town as Universidad Externado de Colombia & la Universidad Libre; other ones are center dedicated to Colombia and bogota culture, as The Colon Theater, wich started to be builded in 1885 and was fully terminated in 1895, the Astronomic Observatory, builded by Jose Celestino Mutis a famous for being to be the manager of the Botanical Expedition, Schools like Nuestra Señora del Rosario & El Colegio Mayor de San Bartolomé.
El Capitolio Nacional, El Palacio de Nariño, home of the President of the Republic. El Palacio de San Carlos that was the ancient presidential headquarter, and the significant Capels in the city as La Capilla del Sagrario & La Catedral Primada de Bogotá, Also Houses important buildings from the colonial era as La Casa de la Curia, the Virreinato, the Cabildo & la Real Audiencia española; all of them are foundations of the Spanish Crown.
Has been eyewitness of the historical and political development of Bogota, so that any tourist who come to La candelaria could be enlighted about the story of this city like important facts as El Grito de Independencia in july 20th of 1810. The tourist will be attracted by the monuments, capels, restaurant and would enjoy the best coffe in specialized stores.
Definetely La Candelaria is a mandatory station for the cultured tourist who wants to know the political and religious foundations of our city.