Spaces that were created according to the needs of the public who daily come to the reading and research as part of education implemented by the National Government. Bogota has one of the countries with the most comprehensive coverage in libraries in the country, so that in 2007 the city was named "World Book Capital.
Today libraries are very well equipped rooms and vanguiardia of modern life. Each of them has the technology today to enjoy a good time, relaxed and in the company you want to read the book. Much of the existing libraries are surrounded by extensive gardens, which means that these sites become comfortable.
The largest libraries in the city are divided into rooms suitable for reading for free Internet browsing and research. Are being regularly exhibits artists known and anonymous those who wish to share with the audience their love of art in galleries designed spaces. There are also rooms specially decorated for children, where they can feel free to explore the magical world of reading.
Library Luis Ángel Arango:
Location: Cll. 11 No. 4 - 14
Telephone: 343 12 12
Library Virgilio Barco:
Location: Av. Cra. 60 No. 57 - 60
Telephone: 315 8890 / 75
Library El Tintal:
Location: Av. Ciudad de Cali No. 6 C 09
Telephone: 450 5077 - 452 8974
Library Parque el Tunal:
Location: Cll. 48 B sur No. 21 - 13
Telephone: 7698734 / 37}